The Carenet Project: Please Participate in the Survey


We would like to know more about the work your organisations have been doing to improve the quality of life of the childhood cancer community.

João de Bragança, CCI President, about the Carenet Project.


The Carenet Project ( - which we have been talking about for the past few months and which is an initiative of Childhood Cancer International (CCI), in cooperation with Iscte-IUL, - is in progress.

At the moment, we invite the CCI organisations to answer an online survey. This survey will allow us to have a very precise knowledge of who the CCI members are:

  • What kind of activities they develop and with what resources

  • How many people benefit from these activities

  • What support they provide to local communities

  • How is their human and financial structure

  • Other

 In addition to giving greater visibility to the actions undertaken by the different organisations and fostering cooperation, this survey aims to identify some opportunities for improvement and to identify projects to be developed that may be submitted for funding.

Your participation is therefore highly valued. Without it, we will not be able to build a portrait of what we are and what we do. And without it, we will not be able to improve.

The survey consists of two parts (PART I and PART II), which can be answered by the same person or by two different people:

PART I (estimated duration 20 minutes)

Characterisation of the general aspects of the organisation - this part should be answered by a person familiar with all the general aspects of the organisation.

To answer PART I, please click on the link below:

PART II (estimated duration 20 minutes)

Description of the psychosocial interventions developed within the organisation - the person who will answer the second part of the survey should be familiar and have a thorough knowledge of the psychosocial programmes developed within the organisation. Remember that "psychosocial programmes have generally been defined as non-pharmacological interventions that include a variety of psychological, educational and social components, with the overall aim of improving quality of life, well-being and health".

To answer PART II, please click on the link below:

Given the nature of this study, your participation is not anonymous, as there will be an identification of your organisations. However, there will be no individual identification.

You may choose the language in which you will respond to the survey according to your preferences (English, Portuguese, Spanish or French).

No risks or adverse effects associated with participation in this study are expected.

Thank you in advance for your attention!


The CCI Tree of Life campaign obtained more than 3.300 handprints!


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