Become a Volunteer.
You can become an active participant of this vital cause by becoming a CCI volunteer! You can volunteer at three distinct levels: at the global, regional or at a national level.
For global opportunities, medium to long term volunteers (that is for a minimum of six months) are welcome to write to us an offer your services. We are looking for and would appreciate the support of folks with experience in fundraising, general administration, communications, marketing and advocacy.( Please note that CCI does not have a physical global office. The global team is he spread out across several countries. Therefore, you would support and work with the team remotely). If you are interested in becoming a CCI global volunteer, or discussing other ways of supporting us internationally, please contact our Executive Director at: director@cci.care
You can become a volunteer to regional level by either volunteering to support a regional committee or by becoming a member of the CCI regional committee. This offers an excellent opportunity for you to engage in and contribute to CCI regional and international projects. To apply to become a regional volunteer please contact director@cci.care
Thousands of volunteers support the CCI members within their local or country programs. If you wish to become a volunteer of a local CCI member, or at a national level, please contact the member organisation(s) directly (please refer to our members list under “We Are – Member Organisations”)
Volunteering is an opportunity for personal and professional development, and it will provide increased opportunities for interaction and networking with CCI colleagues and partners locally, regionally and internationally. No doubt , volunteering will be a rewarding experience and you can be contributing to a much needed and great cause! Reach out to today us apply to become a volunteer!
Regional Committee Volunteers - Key Responsibilities and tasks:
Identify and nurture the development of new childhood cancer suport groups, including parent and survivor groups
Identify and nurture members with potential to fulfill more active roles in CCI
Encourage member organisations to attend and support CCI regional events and initiatives
Communicate regularly with CCI members in the region.
Establish a member network or mechanism so that members can communicate easily with one another, and support each other.
Offer ideas, opinions and members feedback on matters of interest and strategic importance.
Join the CCI Board of Trustees for part of the new members board meeting held after the Annual General Assembly (ONLY if present at the annual CCI international conference )
Provide information that will ensure the suitablity and effectiveness of the CCI international conferences (including suggesting content and presenters).
Assist CCI, globally and regionally, with the planning and executing of international initiatives and projects
Assist CCI, globally and regionally, with the planning and promotion of international campaigns, including ICCD and Survivors week.
You are elegible to apply to become a Regional Committee member if you:
Are a leader in a CCI member organisation
Have a strong desire to be of service to CCI regionally, globally and other CCI members
Have time to commit to the role
Have good communication and interpersonal skills