Advisors & Honorary Members.
The General Assembly can appoint a natural person as honorary member who, by virtue of their qualities or mission, has benefited and/or will benefit the Association in achieving its aims.
Some of them agreed to continue to serve the organisation in an advisory capacity. To get specific contact details, please write us: admin@cci.care
Anita Kienesberger, Austria
Benson Pau, China, Hong Kong
Carmen Auste, Philippines
Christine McIver, Canada
Gill Thaxter (for Geoff Thaxter), United Kingdom
Gerlind Bode, Germany
Julian Cutland, South Africa
Jesus Maria Gonzalez Marin, Spain
Marianne Naafs-Wilstra, Netherlands
Mark Chesler, United States of America
Simon Lala, New Zealand
Sadie Cutland, South Africa
Tim Eden, United Kingdom