CCI Annual International Conference 2023: Ottawa. Be part of it!


We are happy to announce that the 29th CCI Annual International Conference will take place from 11th to 14th October 2023 in Ottawa (Canada), as part of the SIOP Annual Congress. 

After the success of the International Conference in Barcelona, it is now time, for those who can make it, to meet again face to face. Those who can’t join us will be able to follow the conference online, as it will be hybrid.


Shaw Centre, Ottawa []

You will find the initial information about the conference on the official website:

Abstract submission is now open!

Deadline: Wednesday, March 22, 2023 (Midnight CET)

The organizing committee has already come up with a very interesting and important set of topics to be discussed during the conference:

  • Best practices

  • Psychosocial and educational programmes

  • Supportive care and Palliative care

  • Sharing of knowledge (mapping on existing resources, platforms)

  • Survivors (challenges, resources, issues, insurances)

  • Adolescents (challenges, issues)

  • Awareness programmes


You may want to take into consideration the above topics and share your experiences accordingly. Please note that all oral presentations must be IN PERSON in Ottawa. SIOP 2023 will NOT offer any prerecorded oral presentation.


The organizing committee has already come up with a very interesting and important set of topics to be discussed during the conference. You can read more details on the announcement.

Please bear in mind that the deadline to submit abstracts will be the 22nd March 2023 (Midnight CET). For abstract submission and guidelines please click:


Registration is open.
You can register online at: 

Please note that the early bird registration is until July 18t.h



We know that the cost of attending these conferences can be unaffordable for many organisations. However, we would like to help as many organizations as possible to come to Ottawa, to share and to learn.    

A limited number of stipends is available for members from Low- and Middle-Income Countries. You may download Stipend Guidelines and Application Form from:

The deadline to apply for these stipends is the 7h July 2023.

Parents Helping Parents Fund (PHPF)

We must never forget that we are a global organization and that there are huge financial gaps within us. Your organization may want to consider allocating some money to this program to assist other organizations with more limited finances to attend this meeting and share experiences. If this is the case, please contact us at


Please check in advance if you require a visa to enter Canada and if this is the case, apply for it in time.


Please consult the official website of the conference for the best options in terms of accommodation.

We look forward to welcoming you all to Ottawa in October, for a memorable and enriching learning experience.

In case of any questions, feel free to reach out to us at:


SIOP 2023 | 55th Congress of the International Society of Paediatric Oncology Ottawa, Canada


Join our Tree of Life 2023 campaign for childhood cancer awareness!